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Poke’Pon (Pocket Ponderings) – noun. a thought so small you can keep it in your pocket and take it everywhere with you.


Jericho Brisance published a very detailed article on his blog about the contradictions and omissions in the four Gospels regarding the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The article, Infographic: Taking Easter Seriously, is a pretty interesting read. Good work, Jericho!

One question that he asks in the article is “Why was the entrance to Jesus Christ’s tomb open?” Many Christians claim that the open entrance and the empty tomb are two of the strongest pieces of evidence for Christ’s resurrection.


Well, let’s think about it for a moment. What does an empty tomb with an open entrance prove?

a. It proves that Jesus Christ (the man/god who can walk on water, turn water into wine, resurrect the dead, etc.) can break the shackles of death and come back to life but cannot get out of a closed tomb.

b. It proves that Jesus Christ is modest; he felt that showing himself to people outside of his closed tomb is too flashy.

c. It proves that a person (or persons) opened the entrance to the tomb, went inside, and sequestered Christ’s body.

Think about it.Try not to feel; just think.

Now you have one hand in your pocket and, in the other one, this pondering.

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